Discover our personalised solutions for sciatica, headaches, lower back pain and much more.
What we frequently treat
Sciatica and cruralgia
(with or without a herniated disc)
Cervico-brachial neuralgia, facial neuralgia
Headaches, migraines
Lumbago, back pain, neck pain
Infants, children
Chronic ear infections, colic, reflux, hyperactivity, nervousness, congenital torticollis
Pregnant women
Carpal tunnel, sprains, tendonitis, frozen shoulder
Morton's syndrome, plantar fasciitis
TMJ pain, intercostal pain
Our specialist chiropractic services
Chiropractic Enghien Gonstead has a dedicated team of chiropractors specialising in the effective treatment of a range of conditions including sciatica, headaches, lower back pain and neck pain.
Our experienced chiropractors are trained to care for patients of all ages, including pregnant women and infants. Using a holistic approach, we combine advanced techniques such as the Gonstead method with care tailored to each individual case, ensuring optimal and lasting relief.